nutrients, metals and management
Volume 12
Volume, 11
Volume 10
Biodiversity Information Series from the Zoölogisch Museum Amsterdam, vol. 3
Genesis and Biodiversity
Claudiu & Maria M. Tudorancea (Eds) 2006 (February), xvi, 444 pages, 89 figs & 66 tables, hardbound (Biology of Inland Waters)
WAUP 06.1
Band 4, (Turridae)
Families Sididae, Holopediidae & Pseudopenilidae (Branchiopoda: Cladocera)
Rhabdocoela: Typhloplanidae
The phylum Platyhelminthes is a major clade of worms, with about 29,000 species (after Zhang, 2011). It includes animals with diverse lifestyles, but a majority are parasites, grouped within the Neodermata. The free-living species inhabit marine, freshwater, brackish and terrestrial environments and form the paraphyletic “Turbellariaâ€, with about 6,500 described species in three main clades: Catenulida, Macrostomorpha and Rhabdocoela.
Within the Rhabdocoela, Typloplanidae occurs all over the world and is one of the most species-rich families.
Family Eurycercidae (Branchiopoda: Cladocera: Anomopoda)
The Cladocera (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) are a group of microscopic crustaceans that are dominant in continental water bodies of almost every type (Dumont & Negrea, 2002; Forró et al., 2008). They have become model objects for evolutionary, genetic, and ecological investigations that use different methods and approaches (Lampert, 2011; Smirnov, 2014). The family Eurycercidae Kurz, 1875 emend. Dumont & Silva-Briano, 1998, with the single genus Eurycercus Baird, 1843, is a remarkable group of the order Anomopoda Sars, 1865 (Crustacea: Branchiopoda), currently including 19 formal taxa at the species-group level, published and available according to the ICZN (2000). Among these, 13 are regarded as valid at this moment. Some of them are among the largest representatives of the cladocerans. They inhabit the littoral zone (preferring areas covered by macrophytes) in permanent water bodies in Eurasia and North America, more rarely in Africa and South America (Frey, 1971; Smirnov, 1971, 1974) and sometimes have an important role in freshwater ecosystems. Eurycercids consume decomposing organic matter, bacteria, and algae and, at the same time, are important food items for some species of fish. Especially in Arctic waters they make up a significant element in the fish diet (Björnsson, 2001; Bekker, 2012). The remains of Eurycercus (head shields, postabdomens etc.) are well preserved in lake bottom deposits (Frey, 1959; Szeroczyńska & Sarmaja-Korjonen, 2007; Smirnov, 2011; Korosi & Smol, 2012), and due to this the eurycercids are also utilized in palaeolimnological reconstructions of palaeoclimate, water level changes, etc. But despite their significant role in freshwater ecosystems, many aspects of eurycercid biology have been studied inadequately. Even their taxonomy remained confused until the last decade.
This monograph is an attempt to summarize the available data on taxonomy and distribution of all currently known species of the genus. In contrast to a previous volume in this series on Ilyocryptus (Kotov & Å tifter, 2006), we can confidently state that only few additional taxa of Eurycercus will be discovered in the future, i.e. in inadequately studied Arctic Canada, where few undescribed taxa of E. (Teretifrons) occur according to Hann (1990).
Biology, ecology and systematics. Families Dasydytidae, Dichaeturida, Neogosseidae, Proichthydiidae
The phylum Gastrotricha includes about 800 free-living species of microinvertebrates actively moving on and within sediment and vegetation in marine, brackish and fresh waters. Gastrotricha are part of the meiofaunal community that contributes to animal diversity and plays an ecological role in linking the microbial loop to the higher trophic levels of the aquatic environment.
This volume aims at giving a basic, up to date knowledge of the phylum with special reference to freshwater species (currently about 330). Synthetic diagnoses, drawings, and identification keys are provided for the species currently known in 4 out of the 5 families present in inland waters.
Introduction to the Rotifera, 2nd edition Guides to the Identification of the Microinvertebrates of the Continental Waters of the World, number 23
Branchiopoda: Cladocera: Anomopoda
Biology of Inland Waters
2006 (February), xxii, 526 p., 130 figs, 60 tables, hardbound
Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium, Carmona (Spain), 9-12 September 2003
II - Cyclopiformes
Bernard Dussart & Danielle Defaye2006, (iv), 354 p., paperboundEAN 978-90-5782-175-2
III – Harpacticoida IV- Gelyelloida
The first edition of this directory was published twenty-one years ago. Since then, numerous new species have been described, new genera have been created and others have been revised. The status of some families has been re-evaluated, leading to important changes in the order Harpacticoida. A new freshwater copepod order, Gelyelloida, has also been erected. This second edition includes all the significant new information collected from 1990, in an enlarged English edition.
Twenty-two families are treated, including some representatives of usually marine families that can be found in brackish inland waters. The families of Harpacticoida treated are, in alphabetical order, Ameiridae, Arenopontidae, Canthocamptidae, Canuellidae, Chappuisiidae, Cletodidae, Cristacoxidae, Darcythompsoniidae, Ectinosomatidae, Harpacticidae,
Laophontidae, Leptopontiidae, Longipediidae, Metidae, Miraciidae, Nannopodidae, Parastenocarididae, Phyllognathopodidae, Tachidiidae, Thalestridae and Tisbidae. The Gelyelloida contains only the family Gelyellidae.
As in the other two volumes, the type species is listed first for each genus and marked with an asterisk. For each species, a complete taxonomic synonymy is given, followed by citations or references concerning the morphology, physiology, biology and ecology of the species. This is supplemented by information on distribution. All cited references are given, for which the abbreviations follow the system used in previous volumes. The scientific index includes all synonyms, allowing the reader to follow the trail of any citation
of a species to its currently valid name.
This volume will be a standard reference for all those – researchers and conservationists included – with an interest in copepods.
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